I think that we will be going out in the next day or two, possibly tomorrow, but we still do not know for sure. I just wanted to write one last time before leaving, since I don't know how many weeks (or months) it will be before I'll get to write again!
I hope that you all have a great next couple months. I will think of you all on Thanksgiving, but will probably not have the "traditional" Thanksgiving meal. It's rather difficult to cook Thanksgiving pies without an oven. :D Yeah, that's one thing that is not common here. I have seen all of 3 ovens since I came to Thailand (one at a little home bakery, one at a Canadian family's house, and one at Pastor Phamor's house). We can still have mashed potatoes without an oven, though.
Until next time folks, may God bless you all! Keep in touch, and I will do my best as I am able and have e-mail. :D With love from Thailand. . . .
P.S. We're just about to have a meeting and find out what's happening! Exciting. Maybe I'll have a chance to update before we go. :D
Hi! How are u? I'm Ha, the girl who catch wrong bus to Chiang mai,hihi....
Dear Ha,
So good to hear from you! I tried to go to your blog, but it wouldn't open. Glad you made it safely! Hope to hear from you again! God bless.
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